
Showing posts from May, 2021

Brainfood 2021 05 28

I haven't posted on here in a few weeks, which is to say that I haven't felt that there's much worth writing about.  But a buddy asked me about Bitcoin again this morning, which has crashed about 50% in the last month.   It's garnered a lot of attention on the way up, and I wrote plenty about Bitcoin ,  bubbles , and  bad investor behavior  in the last 6 months.  Now it's garnering a lot of attention on the way down, and the same people who were excited before are scared to death. That'll tend to happen in bubbles and crashes.  Just a couple weeks ago clown coins were headline news (actually Dogecoin).  The last comparable thing on this scale was the bubble and bust of the late-90's and early-2000's. Here are a few good pieces of late on Crypto, crashes, and investing in general: Crash Rules Everything Around Me  and  4 Lessons From the Crypto Crash by Ben Carlson The Limits of Investing Sanity  and  Play Your Own Game by Morgan Housel On the B

Brainfood 2021 05 03

  Nearly everything is up significantly since the COVID crash of Q1 2020.  People are being vaccinated, as expected, and the economy is well into it's reopening phase.   Somewhere along the way, the good news has already been baked into the cake, and inevitably prognosticators will start calling for the next crash.   It's a sucker's game, don't waste your time. Here are 5 good reads from the past few weeks: Can the Stock Market Crash During an Ecomonic Boom?  by Ben Carlson The Trouble with Timing the Bull  by Jon at the Why You Shouldn't Pick Individual Stocks  by Nick Maggiulli The Growth-Value Cycle  by Ben Carlso How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy (in Investing)  by Jon @ Have a great week. ~Danno  Legal Disclosure:  This is not Investment Advice.  The commentary on  reflects the personal opinions, viewpoints, analyses, and often sarcasm of Danno Hoff and should not be regarded as a description o