
Showing posts from April, 2021

Under the Hood 2021 Q1

  by Danno Q1 2021 was a doozy.  We set a new PR with 1 insurrections in January.  The stock market didn't care.  For the second time ever the outgoing President didn't attend the incoming President's inauguration, but thankfully there was no violence.   There seem to be obvious micro-bubbles going on in things like NFTs, SPACs, cryptos, and meme stocks, but that doesn't seem to be spreading to the "normal" parts of the market for now. Markets are rotating, changing leadership, and self-correcting all the time.  Day-to-day and week-to-week this can be exciting, exhausting, and a complete waste of time.  At the end of each quarter I like to take a look under the hood to try to get some perspective on what's really going on . The style box looks something like this year-to-date: SmallCaps beat up on LargeCaps, Value beat up on Growth. This is the exact opposite of what happened in the first 8 months of 2020, and a continuation of what went on in the last 4 m